Hi everyone, we’re deep into the preparations for this year’s International Al-Anon Round-Up with AA and ACA participation… which topics to include for workshops? Barbecue? More singing! We’ve learned so much during last year’s convention and we look forward to welcoming you in Grainau/Zugspitze. First-timers are especially welcome … The breathtaking landscape is the ideal backdrop for our meetings, workshops, meditations and speaker meetings when we explore this year’s motto “The Sky is the Limit!” So come and join us for a weekend of soul-searching, healing, sharing, caring, fun and laughter.
“The Sky Is The Limit” – Round-Up October 2017
The Round-Up 20.-22.10.2017 in Grainau/Zugspitze is with AA and ACA participation, so there’s something for everyone. Meetings will be held for each group and there will also be open speaker meetings. So whatever you need – whatever you seek – whatever you have to give: you are most welcome and we look forward to having you with us! Want to join us for an inspiring and fun week-end? Download the flyer here and sign up today: Al-Anon Flyer 2017
This is what people who attended in 2016 said about the meeting:
“It was great! – I enjoyed it so much!” “I felt serenity and can’t find anything to criticise! I enjoyed myself and everyone’s company!” “Barbequeue was great.” “Great round-up – thank you!” “Thanks a lot for this convention and for your service and your love! Can we have a disco next year?” “Lovely week-end, wonderful location, nice rooms.”
Doing Service at the Convention
The 2017 Convention Committee is looking for volunteers because there can be no convention without help.
Taking a position in the Convention Committee is a great and meaningful way of being of service in Al-Anon. But also: Being a part of the Convention Committee is fun!
Talk to your sponsor about it, make up your mind, and join the Convention Committee.
A few examples of service positions in the committee are:
- Community Information (advertise the convention in groups, send flyers, announce it at regular meetings)
- Public Information (i.e. advertise the convention next to health professionals)
- Food&Drink manager (Is there water and coffee in the meeting rooms? Cookies?)
- Chief Care Team for overwhelmed guests
So if you would like to do service at this year’s Al-Anon convention, please contact us.